EMA TOP 3 - Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) names Appranix as a TOP 3 product for Container Management and DevOps at Scale

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As the line of business piles on new IT requirements at a faster pace, and as new technologies become available in rapid sequence, corporate IT has to complete its automation homework to get back into the driver’s seat. There is a constant need to deploy, move, scale, and terminate application platform services, especially in a world of dynamic microservices, hybrid apps, and small but frequent software releases. The entity to be managed has changed from the data center infrastructure, toward an application-centric view when hybrid cloud emerged, and toward a release-centric view in today’s world of DevOps.

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  • Why enterprises are struggling to consolidate and govern their use of public cloud services
  • How enterprises slower to innovate due to their mobility and dynamic character, containers and microservices increase complexity and sprawl
  • Only 4% of enterprises can deploy Kubernetes without the help of external consultants
  • Why should enterprises use multiple deployment models and require a centralized and application-centric automation backbone
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